Monday, August 07, 2006

Child ID Cards .....

Net Family News - kid-tech news for parents:

Child ID card?

'NetIDMe,' a new 'virtual ID card' for kids out of the UK mentioned by the BBC, is no 'killer app.' Like child age verification, it would require critical mass to be truly useful - e.g., all children required to have an ID card, which would also mean large databases of personally identifying info. One way it would work is in large groups, say, a school district: if every student had an ID card tied to a district's student database, and if there were a rule everybody followed that they could only email and IM with fellow ID-card-bearing students in the district (obviously this wouldn't work on MySpace). But everyone would have to obey the rule. Actually it might work better with peer groups, if everybody in the peer group obeyed their parents' household rule that everyone on the buddy list has an ID card. Parents, you can see even that would be a challenge! For more on this, see my feature 'Verifying online kids’ ages.”"

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