Thursday, March 09, 2006

IWF reports progress

Online child abuse - a decade on and the IWF reports progress

Good news from the IWF. This article from Silicon reports:
"In a decade, the number of sites hosted in the UK featuring child abuse images has fallen to 0.4 per cent of the global total from almost one in five in 1997.

There are also positive signs that sites listed on the IWF's Child Abuse Image (CAI) URL database aren't making their way onto increasingly graphic-rich mobile devices, with the UK's main network operators and some handset-makers using the CAI database to filter."

There also appears to be a case of double standards where middle America is concerned as they continue:
"However, looking to the rest of the world - and in particular Russia and the US where a lot of illegal sites are hosted - IWF CEO Peter Robbins said a lot more can be done."

Surely there can be no legal defense for allowing these sites to be hosted on American servers

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