Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Superhighway Safety : Schools : Documents : Developing an acceptable use policy

The rapid change in technology provides a challenge for schools when using ICT with learners of all ages. An up to date Acceptable Use Policy can provide a structure for everyone to work from.

The Superhighway Safety site has been updated to reflect this:

Superhighway Safety : Schools : Documents : Developing an acceptable use policy: "Safe use of the internet and related technologies is important to both educators and parents. Schools providing pupil access to the internet, email and other services are strongly advised to have systems and stated policies in place to ensure that students use the technology safely, access only appropriate materials, and protect both themselves and school facilities from possible risks."

Childnet International

Childnet International: "Welcome to Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.

This website gives news and background to Childnet’s work and serves as a portal to Childnet’s award-winning projects."

NCH Children's charities - Welcome to NCH

NCH Children's charities - Welcome to NCH: "NCH helps children achieve their full potential.
Through our services we support some of the most
vulnerable and excluded children in the UK"

Monday, May 09, 2005

Safer Internet Programme

A co-ordinated approach to the problems of protecting young people from inappropriate or harmful content on the Internet.

Safer Internet Programme HOME